Set during Season 3, just before Faith’s fateful alliance with the Mayor, The Dark Bargain plunges Buffy and the Scooby Gang into a shadowy battle against an ancient demon, Vortrekh, a “fallen sentinel” who thrives on corrupted desires and buried vulnerabilities. When Buffy discovers an enigmatic amulet linked to the demon, its insidious influence begins to unravel her carefully guarded composure, forcing her to confront feelings she’d rather keep buried.
Set during Season 3, just before Faith’s fateful alliance with the Mayor, The Dark Bargain plunges Buffy and the Scooby Gang into a shadowy battle against an ancient demon, Vortrekh, a “fallen sentinel” who thrives on corrupted desires and buried vulnerabilities. When Buffy discovers an enigmatic amulet linked to the demon, its insidious influence begins to unravel her carefully guarded composure, forcing her to confront feelings she’d rather keep buried.